Tips for Grooms: How To Beat Nerves On Your Wedding Day

By Alice Irvin
March 11, 2019 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

Women aren’t the only ones who get nervous during their wedding day. Believe it or not, men wait for their special day with bated, too. It’s just that they aren’t that great when it comes to showing their emotions.
If your big day is coming up and you can’t seem to calm your nerves, here are some of the best tips for grooms when it comes to getting rid of anxiety.
Prepare for the day
There is a saying, “Practice makes a man perfect”. This applies to your wedding day as well. Fear of taking center-stage and facing the crowd might be making you feel like a cat on a hot brick. Stage phobia adds to the nervousness.
The best way to get rid of this is to practice your part well. Rehearse the entire ceremony with your lady multiple times. You can make the auspicious day even more special with your perfection. Learn the lines of your speech by heart.
Share your anxiety with your married friends
Ladies can share their feelings with their mother, sisters, and friends. However, men are not comfortable with sharing their state of mind with others.
In this case, close friends can prove to be your savior. Talk to your besties who are already married. They can give you valuable advice and put you at ease.
At the same time, you need to stay away from negative people. There will be guys in your circle of friends who will end up confusing you even more. Keep your distance from them, and choose the right person to confide in.
Be a part of the arrangements
An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. This is the time when the rest of your family members are busy, but you have a lot of free time. This is when the groom starts thinking too much.
The best way to keep your distance from negative thoughts is to keep yourself busy. Volunteer for some of the preparations like communicating with your groomsmen and ushers. You’ll be doing your bride a favor by taking some of the pressure off her.
Spend some time with the girl
There is nothing better than sharing your insecurities and concerns with the woman to whom you are getting married. You are in the same situation, after all.
Moreover, she has got all the right to know what you are thinking about as it is your future together at stake. It is the big day for both of you. So, begin the new chapter of your life with any sort of confusion. Be very honest about your feelings with your partner.
Exercise and meditate
Hitting the gym or spending some quiet time with yourself is the best way to calm yourself. Meditation is a holistic and scientific method that can help you deal with your bout of nerves and anxiety. Regular meditation will also help you center yourself when you are out of equilibrium.
See Also: How to Meditate When All The Other Techniques Don’t Work
Spend some quiet time a day before
Every married man can attest that the night before the wedding is the toughest one. In case your turbulent mind is not letting you sleep, take a small walk in the garden and listen to your favorite music. Relax and wear some airy clothing before going to bed. This will help you sleep.
Bachelorhood is fun, but there is nothing like the true companionship that marriage brings. Giving up your freedom and independence is what bothers men a lot. However, married life has got its own charms. Once you have made up your mind for the lifelong commitment, there is no looking back. Just keep the above points in mind and enjoy the special day with your soulmate.

Alice Irvin
I'm Alice. A fashion freak by choice and a blogger by passion. My area of interest is men's fashion, underneath clothing and lifestyle. I've contributed my part in some of very well-known site with my write ups.