Tips on Hosting Thanksgiving (or any holiday party)
November 20, 2006 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

With my wife hosting her first Thanksgiving dinner, it’s getting pretty extremely stressful in my house. Between the hard core cleaning, shopping and planning, I’d just assume getting a few pizzas and curl up to the football games that day.
Anyway for those in a similar predicament, here are some tips that can help you get through Thanksgiving Day.
- Plan to provide a traditional Thanksgiving feast, then be creative with side dishes.
- Whenever anyone offers to help or bring a dish, say, “Yes, thank you!”
- Use hollowed bread loaves for charming serving containers for cheeses, dips, olives, chips and small sandwiches.
- Once the table settings and centerpiece are in place, sit in each chair to make sure each guest will feel comfortable.
- Include favorite kids’ foods, especially those they can eat neatly with their fingers.
- Provide at least one low-calorie dish and a vegetarian option. Then serve a sinful dessert.
- Completely clear the table of all dishes from previous courses before serving dessert.
- Fill the sink with soapy water so cutlery and small dishes can soak clean as the guests are finishing.
- Make it easy for guests who help you clean up to help you recycle. Place bins in the kitchen labeled “glass,” “cans” and “trash.”
- Keep club soda nearby to clean spots or stains on the tablecloth or clothing.
You have Reader’s Digest to thank for those tips and the following series of articles: