7 Tips On Writing Branded Content That Earns Likes
By Marie Barnes
January 10, 2024 • Fact checked by Dumb Little Man

In a broad sense, content can be called any information posted on sites, blogs or social networks. But to understand how you can start creating and writing branded content, it is worth looking at this term in more detail.
Types of Content to Drive Users’ Attention
In today’s market, the only chance to stand out is to create a holistic brand concept.
Take note that a brand is not just a combination of logo and corporate identity. It’s a system of values, image-style characteristics, products, business models, philosophy, and the mission of the company.
Below are the different types of content you can use to get your target audience’s attention:
Video and Audio Content
Clips, podcasts, webinars, live broadcasts, and presentations — there are tons of options for audio and video content. Short clips can supplement or even replace a part of text content. They can help attract the segment of the audience that prefers to watch and listen rather than read.
As a rule, products with video reviews sold better than products with simple photos. Hence, it is also an excellent method to get many likes from your audience.
See Also: How to Use Video Marketing to Boost Your Traffic and Conversions
Images Content
Everything is simple here:
A piece of content with illustration can receive more attention than a block of text without pictures. Boring photos from stocks tend to reduce the credibility of a content, too.
Text Content
Most often, a branded content for a website means precisely the texts. There are a lot of genres and varieties. On the website of any major online store, you will surely come across product description cards, news, promotional articles, selections, reviews, life hacks, and expert tips.
Merely filling the resource with photos of goods and their descriptions isn’t enough these days.
If you need targeted leads, find ways to get your audience interested. Most likely, this process will not be fast. A potential customer can read a company’s blog for months, use tips, share materials, and finally make a purchase or conclude an agreement.
There is nothing wrong if a transaction is not completed immediately, especially when it comes to a complicated and expensive product.
Proper Steps in Writing Branded Content that Earns Likes
Create your ‘Verbal Nail’
All great brands, without exception, have one single message. Time after time, it is driven into the minds of the target audience. This is a semantic nail — a rational, common sense selling idea.
Use the ‘Visual Hammer’
The verbal nail, like a regular nail, is difficult to drive without using a hammer.
The semantic nail is facing the left hemisphere of our brain, which is responsible for rational choice. The right, creative, and emotional hemisphere of the brain is affected by the visual component of the brand or the visual hammer.
The visual symbol must be necessarily adequate to the selling idea – the semantic nail. The requirements for it are even stricter. For one, this symbol should clearly communicate the selling idea to the target audience.
Social Media Channels and Website
Back then, the only way to communicate with the target audience of a brand was the media. This includes newspapers, radios, televisions, and outdoor advertisements.
Today, a potential consumer can enter the Internet and make contact with your company without intermediaries. Website and social network pages have become the leading platforms for brand promotion.
But although the technology of communicating information has changed, the basic rules have remained the same. Our evolution does not keep up with technological progress. For big sales on the Internet, just like thirty years ago, a verbal nail and a visual hammer will come in handy.
See Also: Social Media Marketing Tips To Grow Your Presence Online
Focus Your Content on the Product
Today, no one argues with the fact that it is crucial to make a quality supply of the product. But in practice, identifying a genuine product and highlighting its key characteristics is not easy.
The competition nowadays is high. Plus, products are identical for users at first glance.
If you want your product to stand out, you need to focus on creating content about your product. Consumers like transparency, too. Writing about your brand from time to time might help as well.
Perform a Series of Smart Promotions
A brand becomes strong and sales are big when people interact with your content. The success of promotion directly depends on two parameters: the extent of coverage and the degree of involvement.
Reach refers to the number of unique users who saw the brand message. Involvement is the ratio of users who entered into interaction with the brand to the total number of users who contacted it.
Modern advertising mechanisms, such as contextual advertising, search results or feeds on social networks, give preference to interesting and useful content for users. In other words, when writing branded content, you pay less for promotion while productivity increases.
The Consistency of Content
Adhere to the chosen style in visual and text communications so that the consumer accurately identifies the brand. A metaphorically strong brand is like a bright character, intuitively familiar to everyone.
Simplicity is Always a Key
When creating a field, include only those words that can be explained without using speech. You need to constantly use the semantic field of the brand. It’s a group of words that reflect and reveal its image-style characteristics.
Overall, you have to stick to the proper strategy and build your way to deliver content. By using these professional steps in writing branded content, you can earn likes and bring additional outcomes for your marketing campaign.
Marie Barnes
Marie is an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She shares her insights through blogging at Bestforacar